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Week 5- Antiwar Voices

When watching, listening, or reading the news it is not often that we hear about strong anti war agendas. This may be for a number of reasons, but I believe it is because most Americans think that war corresponds with strength, and everyone wants to belive they live in a strong country. Lots of companies also profit off of war, and want to promote wars so they continue to make profit.

Another reason could be that American wants to tell its citizens that war is good and worth the money, resources, and lives. If the media was constantly promoting anti-war agendas, the morale of the general public would decrease and the government would have to deal with people arguing war and protesting it. I think that people have to seek out these obscure websites to read about this topic because the media and government do not want people hearing about it. In America, people who are antiwar are typically a minority, and their writings do not get as much traffic as they shoud. I think that everyone should attempt to read and consider both sides, which means seeking out publishings from websities like the ones I viewed today.



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